How to find the best AC repair services near you


With the rise in temperature and humidity, ACs have been a mandatory part of every house. To beat the heat one needs a good and highly efficient AC. Lucknow comes in the plains where the average temperature from April to June, this year was 40 degrees Celsius. In such high temperatures, we need full-fledged working cooling equipment. The amount of cooling an AC does depends on the regular service and how well the machine is maintained. To find the best AC repair service in town one can contact  Lucknow AC repair.

They provide the Best AC Repair services in Lucknow and that too at your doorstep. Within no time the AC starts working just like a new machine.

    Here is a list of some of the common problems that occur in          AC with time:


·            Damaged compressor:


The components of the AC are very important. They need to function properly to ensure heat exchange and regulate air pressure. The reason for AC compressor failure may be lack of lubrication, changes in refrigerant levels, and dirty coils. It may lead to increased pressure and failure of the component.


·      Frozen evaporator coil:

It is a very common problem in air conditioners. This happens when the unit does not receive sufficient air to operate because of the accumulated debris. Because of this, the warm air does not reach the refrigerant. The refrigerant becomes too cold leading to coil freeze.


·       Thermostat Malfunctioning:


The corrosion build-up, loose screws, wires, etc can cause the malfunctioning of the thermostat. Another reason for this can be incorrect calibration. For correcting this, one needs professional help.


·       AC making noise:


The noise may seem annoying and hamper your sleep. This problem needs to be rectified as soon as possible. Different noises indicate a different problem. To identify them, one needs to get professional advice.

·       Water Leakage:


This is one of the most common problems that occur with AC. The reason for the same could be the clogged drains because of algae or fungus or the condensed pump which has been broken. This leads to indoor leakage and needs to be repaired as it may make the walls and room dirty. Outdoor leakage may be caused by bad AC, broken condensate pan, seal by the dry air filter, or improper installation. This creates water accumulation outside the area and must be treated immediately. 

·       AC refrigerant leak:

The Freon is responsible for giving a cooling effect. Its leakage may not cool the room and give the desired result. It reduces the efficiency of the machine and the gas leakage is very harmful to the environment.


·       Dirty air filters:


With the usage, the dust starts accumulating on the filters. This reduces the cooling effect of the machine. The clogged air filters reduce the airflow.


·       Foul smell from AC:


The pungent smell from the AC is due to mold growth. The fire-type smell can be due to burnt wires. The gas smell may be due to leakage of Methyl Mercaptan. It can be very dangerous and needs immediate attention.


·       AC Fan failure:


The fan is located in the outdoor area. If it does not work properly, the heat transfer would not take place. It may cause compressor damage as well. If not treated within time, it may lead to the replacement of the AC.


 All these above-mentioned problems can decrease the efficiency of   your device. The best way to keep the machine intact even after    years of usage is regular service.

One can search AC Repair near me on the internet and find scores of options available in the local area. One should choose a trusted company as some ACs are very expensive and need trusted hands-on them. Any malfunction can ruin the machine.

With years of experience and working in the service industry,

Lucknow AC repair has immerged to be the best AC repair, expert. The service can be booked within a few clicks and it is delivered to your doorstep. To keep security in mind, one can check the authenticity of the employee through the website. One can also look at the testimonials to get satisfied with the service. The rates of the AC service are also very nominal.

To get the best experience and beat the scorching heat, book the AC repair service today!
